Thursday, August 20, 2015

Live 365

Hello everyone, we are planning on having a radio show next year on Live 365. We wanted to give you a sneak peak of the material. First we need to talk about the date with you. The plan was to have it start on January 12, 2016, but we have to change that for personal reasons. The date will be announced in a future blog. Now for the material that we are working on for the show. Lucia Costa-Dietrick is passionate about singing and she is planning on performing live for you on the show from time to time. You will also get updated news on all of our businesses. In closing you need to follow our blogs to find out more in the future.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Give the power to Jesus

Do you know a disabled person that is the victim of abuse? The reason why we are asking is because it is possible to live an abuse free life. If you or anyone that you know is being abused then please know that you are not alone. Make sure that you contact us at Jesus' Love is Global Inc. as urgently as possible so that we can help you or the person that you know that is being abused to live an abuse free life. We will help everyone to find healing by giving the power to Jesus.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jesus' Love is Global Inc.

Hello everyone, we invite you all to come by here often so that we can keep all of you up to date on what is going on with Jesus' Love is Global Inc..